Daadkrachtig | Energiek | Onafhankelijk
Creatief | Optimistisch
Dat ben ik. En zo kennen mensen mij. Ik ben een enthousiaste dame, bij wie je weet waar je aan toe bent. Afspraak is afspraak. Geen eindeloos ge-email over zaken die telefonisch zo geregeld zijn. Ik sta voor kwaliteit en vraag dat ook van de mensen met wie ik samenwerk. Wil je meer over me weten? Dat mag, bel me gewoon eens op!
Ik heb nu tijd om te bellen.Innovatie | Software | Techniek
Vastgoed | Gaming | Transport
Smart Building | Proptech
De afgelopen 10 jaar heb ik in veel verschillende bedrijven en sectoren waarde kunnen toevoegen. Dankzij mijn helicopterview en leergierigheid ben ik in staat me snel nieuwe kennis eigen te maken en maak ik eenvoudig onderscheid tussen hoofd- en bijzaken. Ik ben nieuwsgierig en ondernemend en haal veel plezier uit het ontdekken van nieuwe dingen. Nieuwe technologieën, markten en ideeën, ik word graag uitgedaagd.
Milou is a great person to work with. She is punctual, dedicated and extremely motivated to get any type of work done. With her attitude she is able to work with everyone, adjusting to the company culture and the people she has to work with. I would recommend anyone to work together with her and keep an open mind, you might be able to learn some of her talents!

Gerard Moneta
Regional manager Benelux components at MSI
As a Communications Manager at Make-A-Wish the Netherlands I got to know Milou as an honest, serious and creative colleague. Although the role of Coordinator Communication at Make-A-Wish is a volunteer function, Milou took up her task professionally.
She was always involved in current affairs and came up with creative ideas. Milou is very helpful to other colleagues and believes in opportunities.
Working with her was very pleasant for me!

Bert van Plateringen
Communication Coordinator at Make – A – Wish Foundation
It was a real pleasure working with Milou at MSI. Milou has a “never give up” attitude and very strong communication skills that helps her in finding the solutions and answers to the most tricky situations. She always takes initiative in trying out new things in order to find the best solutions and puts creative spin in whatever she does. She has gathered a lot of knowledge in marketing and communications field and she has always gladly shared this with the rest of the team. Her advice for sure made our team stronger.

Vaiva Knasyte
Account manager & Marketeer South East Europe at MSI